
Ana Tajadura-Jiménez

Ana TAJADURA-JIMÉNEZ is an Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Honorary Research associate at the University College London Interaction Centre. She leads the i_mBODY lab, in which research focuses on understanding how sensory-based interaction technologies could be used to alter people’s perceptions of their own body, their emotional state and their motor behaviour patterns. This research is empirical and multidisciplinary, combining perspectives of psychoacoustics, cognitive neuroscience and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
She also holds a European Research Council Consolidator Grant BODYinTRANSIT 2022-2026 and she is Principal Investigator of the project Magic OutFit, funded by the Spanish Research Agency, which aims to inform the design of technology to make people feel better about their bodies and sustain healthy lifestyles.
She is an Editor of  Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Frontiers in Computer Science and International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Her work has been published in Current Biology, Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex, Human-Computer Interaction and Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems among other venues.