MICHAEL BARNGROVER XR4Europe Belgium Michael BARNGROVER a pioneering force in the realm of Extended Reality (XR), serves as the Managing Director of XR4Europe. Through this role, he diligently supports XR communities worldwide, fostering connections between academia, business, and society. Michael's extensive involvement encompasses not only community building but also contributions...
ASHA EASTON ImmerseUK UK Asha EASTON serves as the Immerse UK Lead within Innovate UK KTN, the national innovation network in the UK catering to professionals in the immersive technology field. With a history spanning several years, Asha has been an enthusiastic advocate for both the immersive technology and open...
SILKE SCHMIDT XRHub Bavaria Germany Silke SCHMIDT leads the XR HUB Bavaria at its location in Munich at Medien.Bayern GmbH. Her primary goal involves fostering the growth of the XR Ecosystem within Bavaria. This entails creating connections among individuals to catalyze the emergence of novel projects while enhancing the visibility...
Thierry JOURQUIN XR Intelligence Belgium Thierry JOURQUIN is the co-founder of XR Intelligence. With a deep passion for cutting-edge innovation, Thierry has played a pivotal role in shaping the XR industry. With a background in computer science and a keen interest in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), Thierry...