

European market for immersive creativity (EMIC)

The European Market for Immersive Creativity (EMIC) is a unique platform dedicated to fostering collaboration among creative minds, researchers, academics, and startup innovators.What makes EMIC truly special is its commitment to nurturing innovation and collaboration within the audiovisual industry, all while celebrating the diverse arts and cultures that shape our world.

The fifteen years of Stereopsia underscore how, from the outset, we have recognized the significance of bringing together professionals who traditionally had limited interactions: the world of audiovisual creation & the realms of science and technology. Stereopsia encourages fruitful intersections between creative expression and technological innovation.


  • Oragnized SPEED-MEETINGS

  • Panels & WORKSHOPS

  • DEMOS & Showcase

  • Networking opportunities

Unlock Creativity:
Join EMIC, Don't Miss Your Chance

To participate, please contact Pascal DIOT, our EMIC Cooordinator.


The list of attending decision-makers will be available in the fall. Stay tuned.